09/24 ~ 121.4 lbs

Hard to believe it's been two weeks since I last blogged...I haven't been weighing myself regularly so I was surprised to see the numbers this morning. My exercise routine is off because I can't seem to get up early enough in the morning! I haven't been doing too bad on my eating, but I really need to get back to running every day. I am missing it!

I won't blog what I am eating today...just thought I better check in! :)


Total Calories = 1750

Breakfast: 330 cal
1 cup/28 g corn flakes Best Choice (100 cal)
2 tbsp raisins (65 cal)
1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal)
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (85 cal)

Lunch: 365 cal
15 Baked Lays Chips (150)
1/4 cup Member’s Mark cottage cheese (40 cal)
1/3 hoagie roll (150)
3 slices (2 oz) deli turkey (60 cal/1 fat/1 carb/11 pro)
Lettuce & Sprouts (5)
Tomato (5)
Onion (5)
1/4 cup chopped avocado (100 cal)
2 tsp Kraft canola mayo (30 cal)

Snack: cal

Dinner: 1000 cal
We went to Culvers! Wow!! :) It was Peculiar Elementary night at Culvers so we went in support of the school and to get a burger!


09/07 ~ 122.4 lbs

Total Calories = 1480

Breakfast: 330 cal
1 cup/28 g corn flakes Best Choice (100 cal/0 fat/24 carbs/2 pro)
2 tbsp raisins Sunmaid (65 cal)
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (85 cal)
1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal)

Lunch: 350 cal
I just couldn't do another 200 calorie lunch! I like my salad too much! I didn't eat all of this salad - I hope that is an indication my stomach might have shrank? Yea right...
2 cups romaine lettuce (15)
1 oz carrot slivers (10)
6 cherry tomatoes (10 cal)
1 egg Dutch Farms (70 cal)
2 tbsp Members Mark Mild Shredded Cheese (50)
1 tbsp sunflower seeds (40 cal)
2 tbsp plain croutons (25 cal)
2 tbsp Kraft Light raspberry vinaigrette (50 cal/3.5 fat/5 carbs/0 pro)
3 avocado slivers (100 cal)

Snack: 100 cal
8 oz Chocolate Muscle Milk (100)

Dinner: 700 cal
I went to Sams after work and couldn't resist their wheat hoagie rolls...I pretty much consumed for dinner the entire calories I ate yesterday - pathetic! I made one for lunch tomorrow! They are sooo tasty!
15 Lays Tomato & Basil Chips (150)
1/4 cup Member’s Mark cottage cheese (40 cal)
1/3 hoagie roll (150)
3 slices (2 oz) deli turkey (60 cal/1 fat/1 carb/11 pro)
Lettuce & Sprouts (5)
Tomato (5)
ONion (5)
1/4 cup chopped avocado (100 cal)
2 tsp Kraft canola mayo (30 cal)

Exercise: Nothing - It still hurts to move the knee...I am HOPING to get up in the morning and at least walk on the treadmill!

09/06 ~ 123.8 lbs

Here is a photo of my new scale! It is really wide and doesn't turn on until you actually step on the scale. I am not too happy yet with the numbers that pop up on the screen, but I do know it is very accurate! It is an Eatsmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale.

I am pretty bummed about my weight going UP after not eating much yesterday AND running! Gesh...Plus I screwed up my ankle AND my knee yesterday while running outside on the pavement...I can't sit down without yelling out in pain from my left knee and I am limping when I walk on my right ankle! Wth?!?! I just shut off my early workout alarm and went back to sleep. My knee kept me up half the night - every time I turned over in bed, it shot pain up my leg!

Total Calories = 1040

Breakfast: 420 cal
1 cup/28 g corn flakes Best Choice (100 cal)
2 tbsp raisins (70 cal)
1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal)
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (170 cal)

Lunch: 200 cal
4 oz Jenny-O oven-roasted deli turkey (100 cal) = 6 slices
5 oz grape tomatoes (20 cal) - ughhhh I don't think I can do these anymore!
1 cheese stick (80 cal/6 fat/0 carbs/6 pro)

Snack: 215 cal
Smoothie (same as yesterday):
Frozen mixed berries (1/2 cup = 40), milk (1/2 cup = 40), ice, and 1 tbsp flax oil (135 cal).

Dinner: 205 cal
I am so ready to have a meal that has some flavor...and a damn piece of dark chocolate for dessert!
4 oz Sam’s tilapia (110 cal)
1/2 cup cooked GV brown rice (75 cal)
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms (20 cal)

Exercise: Well a swollen knee is what I get for jogging outside - my treadmill is made for me (soft cushiony landing - pounding the pavement is toooo hard on me!)! I couldn't do much today - the knee is pretty swollen!

09/05 ~ 123.6 lbs

What do you think of the new layout? Is it easy to read or are the colors/fonts too difficult? Let me know your opinion please! :) Julie - you know I am only writing this to you...no one else reads this blog!!! :)

I figured this week would be a good time to do the jumpstart. I am sick of my stomach hanging over and saw a picture Ally took of me last week and it was sticking way out over a pair of workout shorts (that have always been super loose). I need to get a grip on portion control!!! I love the fact I'm making a salad, but holding a pound of cheese!

Total Calories = 1130

Breakfast: 380 cal
2 tbsp Creamy Wheat BC (80 cal)
1/2 cup applesauce (50 cal)
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (170 cal)
1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal)

I made my sassy water today (I forgot to do it last night!) at noon so I am just drinking water with lemon. I will start drinking the sassy water around 4ish (so it will at least sit for four hours).

Lunch: 250 cal
One 5 oz can Great Value tuna (100 cal) = 3 oz tuna
1 cup steamed carrot sticks 7 oz (70 cal)
1 cheese stick (80 cal)

Snack: 215 cal
Well Steve made smoothies today - that's weird! I didn't watch him measure out the milk, but all he used were frozen mixed berries (1/2 cup = 40), milk (1/2 cup = 40) & ice. It made about 8 cups so I scooped one cup out for today & added 1 tbsp flax oil (135 cal/15 fat/0 carbs/0 pro). I also scooped out a cup for tomorrow to take with me to school!

Dinner: 285 cal
1 cup frozen green beans (25 cal)
4 oz Price Chopper chicken breast (150 cal) ~ Steve is smoking the chicken!
1 medium Green Giant red potato (110 cal)

Exercise: I ran 1.5 miles at 5.5 mph and walked 1.5 miles (between 3.5-4.0) outside - it is a beautiful day!!


I didn't weigh myself allll this week! I am trying to find the time to blog again...hopefully soon my daily schedule will calm down & I can do it when I have any free time?!?!

Total Calories = 1695

Breakfast: 390 cal
1 cup/28 g corn flakes Best Choice (100 cal)
1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal/0 fat/12 carbs/8 pro)
1/2 banana (55)
1 1/2 tbsp peanut butter (150 cal/12 fat/4.5 carbs/5.5 pro)

Lunch: 305 cal
2 cups romaine lettuce (15)
2 tbsp carrot slivers (20)
1 slice tomato (5 cal)
2 tbsp Members Mark Mild Shredded Cheese (50)
1 tbsp sunflower seeds (50 cal/4 fat/2 carbs/1 pro)
1 tbsp plain croutons (15 cal)
2 slices 5 lb Sams club ham (50 cal)
5 brocolli & cauliflower pieces (20)
2 tbsp sprouts (10)
2 tbsp GV Light Buttermilk Ranch dressing (70 cal)

Snack: 0 cal

Dinner: 1000 cal
I fixed Mexican tonight...soooo good, but I ate wayyyy too much!

Exercise: I ran one mile at 5.3 and walked another mile at 4.0. I also did 5-minutes of abs.