01/14 ~ 118.6 lbs

All that hard work & counting calories this week has definitely paid off...I like seeing 118 again!

Total Calories = 1760

Breakfast: 390 cal
1 cup corn flakes Best Choice (100 cal)
1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal)
1 tbsp peanut butter (100 cal)
1 banana (110 cal)

Lunch: 385 cal
Lettuce Wraps
2 Romaine lettuce leaves (10 cal)
4 red pepper slivers (15 cal) = 1/4 red pepper
2 cheese sticks (160 cal)
2 slices (2 oz) deli turkey (50 cal)
2 tbsp mashed avocado (50 cal)
Top each romaine lettuce with ½ of the mashed avocado, 2 red pepper strips, one cheese stick, & 1 1/2 slices deli turkey.
12 Wheat thins (100)

Snack: 285 cal
2 tbsp hummas (70 cal)
1/2 red pepper (15)
2 tsp pine nuts (100 cal)
1 cup red grapes (100 cal)

Dinner: 700 ESTIMATE
Steve took us to Spin Pizza! It was sooo good! We ordered the PINACI E AGLIO (Spinach & Garlic) pizza: Baby spinach, roasted garlic, fresh mozzarella, & toasted pinenuts on wheat crust. I have no idea the total calories I consumed, but I do know that I didn't feel totally stuffed after we were done (like you do after eating most pizzas).

Exercise: Today is our day of rest & I am going to take advantage of that...I am sore and ready for a day off - tomorrow is our 5 mile run & I want to be pumped up for it!!

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