02/11 ~ 117.6 lbs

I knew that potato soup would do me in! How can I not work out for two days and my weight be down and then I burn 400 calories yesterday and my weight is up! Makes no sense....I feel awful today...no gym time for me...my throat is so swollen I can't talk...booooo

Total Calories = 1505

1 cup HOT coffee with creamer (not sure about the little packet of creamer) maybe 20 calories?

Lunch: 305 cal
Waldorf Pita:
1 Pita Pocket (155 cal)
2 garlic & herb Laughing Cow wedge (70 cal)
1 red apple (75 cal)
1 lettuce leaf (2 cal)

Snack: 0

Dinner: 1200 cal
We went out to dinner at The Pit and I had a bigggg cheeseburger with fries & two of Josh's onion rings...then three hershey kisses for dessert when we got home! :)

Exercise: Nothing!

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