6/07 ~ 1605 cal/120.0 lbs

I am just hanging over my pants today - we have sooooooo much food in our fridge that needs to be eaten & it ISN'T on the diet! gesh....

Breakfast: 280 cal
3/4 cup Total Bran Flakes (100 cal)
1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal/0 fat/12 carbs/8 pro)
2 tbsp raisins GV (70 cal)
1 tbsp slivered Naturals almonds (30 cal)
NO idea why I put 2 tbsp of raisins on my cereal - I never do that & it was too much! Ugh!!

Lunch: 415 cal Leftover chicken, rice & corn/black bean combo
Black bean/corn mixture = 745 total/6 = 125 1/2 cup
4 oz grilled chicken with bbq sauce (150)
1/4 cup cooked GV brown rice (40 cal)
1 cup raw carrots & cauliflower with dip (100)

Snack: 360 cal
2 garlic & herb Laughing Cow wedge (70 cal)
15 Kashi Toasted Asiago crackers (130 cal)
12 almonds (80 cal/7 fat/3 carbs/3 pro)
1 cheese stick (80)

Dinner: 550 cal
Leftover steak, raw veggies, 1/2 cup potato salad, 1 cup watermelon, one chocolate square, JUST RANDOM STUFF!!!!!!!!!!

Activity: 2 miles on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the elliptical, abs, push-ups, legs, & one hour yoga

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