6/18 ~ 1380 cal/119.0 lbs

Well I was expecting the weight to be back up today after dining out Wednesday & having a 'few' drinks. Yesterday I ate well, but only walked & played at the pool, so didn't burn too many extra calories. I plan to get to the gym at 10:30 today just to walk & jog on the treadmill for an hour.

Breakfast: 230 cal
• 1 package instant oatmeal topped with 1/2 sliced banana and 1 teaspoon brown sugar 150
• Low-fat milk 80

Lunch: 650 cal
Leftover fajitas, chips, & two chocolate squares! whew i am too full now....ugh

Snack: cal

Dinner: 500 cal
Leftover chinese chicken from Tuesday - ugh...my meals weren't very good today!

Activity: Ran 2 miles & walked 1 in 40 minutes on the treadmill

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