4-day jumpstart

I did the four day Jumpstart diet last week and exercised five days out of seven...I dropped 6.6 lbs from Sunday - Saturday. BUT I ate two meals over the weekend that were not healthy and did not exercise....Monday I had gained back 1.6 pounds! :(

I realize now that I am 34 years old and CAN'T eat everything I want...I have to work at it!!

Weight on Sunday 138.8
Weight on Saturday 132.2

I highly recommend you save up the whoppin' $8 and go to amazon.com to order a book or go to the nearest bookstore - The Flat Belly Diet Pocket Guide is a small yellow book that can fit into a medium sized purse & is easy to take with you to the store or out to eat...you can order the large diet book & the pocket guide at the Flat Belly Diet website.

There are a couple of things i want to point out...

** Be sure to use the substitution pages 14 & 15 of the jumpstart diet and chapter 6 (additional ideas)...I got very tired of brown rice after the third day (of the four-day diet), and then realized I could have substituted red potatoes for a little variety...I also prefer strawberries & peaches over blueberries & pineapple that is listed in the four-day diet. The 30-day diet has a lot more variety with the meals so hopefully it will help you stick with it (it looks like McDs after the bleak four-day diet)...after four days of the jumpstart diet, I was ready for something new!! :) BUT I didn't vary from it at all...not a little bite of anything outside of the diet plan...you have to stick with it, but it is only for four days - just keep telling yourself that...

** Refer to the conversion chart on page 131 when you are measuring out your portions...I was googling online how much was in something and then found this at the end of the book! duh! :)

** Pick up some Mrs. Dash spices....I have covered my salads with them & for the 4-day jumpstart, it is nice to sprinkle your fish & chicken with it!!

This book was featured in Prevention magazine.

There are a TON of great links on the Prevention website:

The Recipe for Sassy Water

More 400 Calorie Meals

Flat Belly Diet website


  1. I'll be sure to read all the information - but it is nice that you've done the homework for me.


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