Lunch (398): 2 oz. turkey (60) on 2 slices whole wheat bread (150), 1/4 cup mashed avacado (90), 1/4 cup lettuce (2), & one slice tomato (6) with 1 medium banana (90).
Snack (70): One string cheese
Dinner (395): Waldorf pita ~ I had one wheat tortilla (instead of the pita which was 130), 2 Laughing Cow cheese wedges (70), one red apple (95), 2 tbsp walnuts (95) and 1/2 cup lettuce (5).
Dessert (520): SIX BEERS!! OOOPSSSS :)
Activity: One hour aerobics (cardio & sclupt/tone) class
Weight: 131.2 (I am more motivated if I weigh myself daily, so back on the scale each morning I go!)
Tip of the day from Set your table for portion control! Using smaller dishes to serve food may actually help you to eat less. Try using a salad plate for pasta or a dessert saucer for snacks. According to the book Medical Book of Remedies: 50 Ways to Lose Ten Pounds
Food has replaced sex in my life; now, I can't even get into my own pants. ~Author Unknown
Good work Jen- you have been doing great. I on the other hand have been so busy and not home that I haven't been working out or eating the best. I am thinking about restarting the plan all together to get a jumpstart... if I do that I am probably going to start on Friday. I think I am also going to start working out in the mornings to make sure that I am getting to the gym on a more regular basis.