Day 13

Breakfast (380): One cup cornflakes, one cup fat-free milk, 1/2 grapefruit, & 24 almonds (approximately 2 tbsp)

Lunch (A biggilion): Well Steve treated me to my favorite Mexican restaurant for a Valentine's Day lunch! Oh it was soooo good!!! I had a chipolte burrito with beans & rice...yummy, but I have NO idea how many calories I consumed...too many, of course!

Snack: NO Snack!

Dinner (475): Chicken & Apple Salad with 15 Kashi veggie crackers, 8 walnuts, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing & 1 tsp dark chocolate for dessert...a few too many calories, but yummy!

Weight: 131.8 - Dang footlong! Since I started the diet three weeks ago this upcoming Tuesday, I have decided to weigh myself every Tuesday morning.

Activity: 2 mile Leslie Sansone Walk for Life 30 minute cardio video - this is not a high intensity video, so I add in a little bounce & arms to get that extra burn.
Leslie Sansone - 2 Mile Walk [VHS]

Tip of the day from Bob, the trainer from The Biggest Loser: When it comes time to really focus on what you are eating, the main thing you want to do is to eat to lose weight. So many people think that skipping meals is going to help them lose weight...NO WAY!!! When you put yourself in starvation mode, your metabolism is going to slow down (btw, water increases your metabolism, helps build muscle tone and re-energizes you).

You know it's time to diet when you push away from the table and the table moves. ~Quoted in The Cockle Bur

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