Day 1 - February 2nd

I started Day 1 enthused & excited!!

The Chicken & Apple Salad for lunch was delicious and very filling - I used the sliced Oscar Meyer deli chicken but it would have been better with chicken breast chunks...I am a meat eater and this was the only meal that has meat in it...I wanted to be slightly more satisfied.

The Strawberry Chocolate Waffle snack was good, but next time I will only use 1/8 cup of choc chips (instead of a 1/4 cup). By the time I was done, it was too sweet for me.

Dinner was awesome! I thought I would be starving by the end of the Guacamole Dip meal, but it made a LOT...I had to use a big bowl to stir it all up with the agave nector. The cilantro is a key seasoning for this dish so don't leave it out!

Day 1

Activity: One hour cardio Aerobics Step Class & 45 minutes swimming laps & walking against current

Weight: 133.4 lbs (I measure every morning around 7:30 before breakfast)

Ideal Weight: 120-125 lbs

Waist: 35" I measured around the fattiest section of my stomach (right below my belly button where my muffin top is the worst!!). I wished I had done this last week - I know I dropped an inch off my stomach. If I was really brave, I would post a picture that I took yesterday, but no one really needs to see me in a sports bra (YET!)! :)

The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day, you're off it. ~Jackie Gleason


  1. Good work Jen! I am on day 4 of the jumpstart... I lost 5 lbs this week thus far. I need to work out more often though, because I only worked out 1 day last week. I know most of that is water weight I lost, but I am excited because it is always nice to see results fast to keep you motivated! I am going to try and hit the grocery store tonight, and then start the meal plan tomorrow!

  2. The Jumpstart worked great and it must shrink your stomach because I cannot eat as much as I was. Thanks for the encouragement/enthusiasm Jennifer! Mom


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