Day 12

Breakfast (370): Raisin and Nut Cereal from Day 16

Lunch (800): Had the best Subway sandwich - yep, a FOOTLONG...but I did choose the turkey & ham on whole wheat, light on the mayo with olives (MUFA), lettuce & was delicious!

Snack: NO snack today

Dinner (380): California Pita on page 100 - I used my small food processor to smash up the avocado and it made for a nice dressing for this dinner!

Weight: 131.0 Steve tells me it is muscle gain & to give it two months before I see 125 on the scale...that first 7.5 lbs dropped off so quickly that I expected at least to lose another pound every week...I know I am shrinking and becoming stronger, but my weight is staying the same! grrr

Activity: 25-minute "Last Chance Workout with Jillian Micheals," 10-minute "Standing Abs" (I won't do that one again), 11-min "6-pack Ab burn" with Cindy Whitmarsh (awesome), and "Start Walking 1 Mile" (20-minute Walk for Weight Loss). We also bowled for an hour today!

Tip of the day from A recent study proved the power of keeping an accurate food diary. Volunteers were asked to keep a record of everything they consumed. Turns out most women stretched the truth ...In fact, they were actually consuming close to 1,000 calories more than their diaries let on! Write it down, ladies!!

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. ~Robert Collier

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