Day 19 ~ 1470 Calories

I am feeling really good today...My waist is thinner and my body doesn't ache like it did before starting my workout & diet. I can get out of bed without groaning! :)

Weight: 130.8

Breakfast (420): Vanilla Pecan Parfait from Day 8 ~ One cup Kashi cereal (120), 1 cup frozen raspberries (70), 1 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt (140) - I bought mine at Aldis and it was cheap, good, and low in calories!! Top it all off with 2 tablespoons pecans (90). This was really good, but I didn't thaw my raspberries over night - I put them in the microwave for 1 minute on 30% power (like the package suggests) and I saw one literally catch on fire!!! So they are a little bit cold in this parfait - I will try to remember to put a cup in the fridge to thaw over night! :)

Lunch (385): Chicken Sandwich from Day 2 ~ 2 slices whole wheat bread (150) with 2 tbsp mashed avocado (75), 2 oz deli slice chicken (60), 1 slice tomato (5), & 1 leaf lettuce (5) and one small banana (90 - not obviously ON the sandwich!)! :) This sandwich is one of my favorites from the pocket guide!

Snack: No snack today...I ate breakfast & lunch later than usual.

Dinner (665 ): I fixed the family spaghetti and made a little version for myself: 1 cup whole wheat penne pasta (280), 1 cup marinara sauce (100), 1/2 cup ground burger (175 - This estimated calorie count is for venison), and 8 black olives (50). I did a lot of cardio this past week and think a little pasta every once in a while is good for you! :) I am excited to try the Tapenade Pasta (Day 9) and Cheesy Pasta with Spinach (Day 20) this week! I had to have 10 dark chocolate chips(60)...something sweet after that dinner - next time I will cut the pasta dish in half and have a salad...I didn't know how many calories I consumed until after the meal...

Activity: 30 minutes lifting with Steve on the smith-machine, the 20-minute Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred DVD, the 11-minute 6-pack Ab Calorie Burn with Cindy Whitmarsh, and the 30-minute 2 Mile Walk with Leslie Sansone.

Tip of the day from Make sure your attention isn't being diverted from your treadmill walking if you multi-task. Pay close attention to your form and posture. Is watching TV causing you to bend forward? Is reading slowing your pace? Gauge your results without distractions and you'll probably find you're at a steadier pace with better posture.

Active Start for Healthy Kids: Activities, Exercises, and Nutritional Tips This book looks interesting...I watched Ally workout yesterday at the gym - I have always gone to my aerobics class while she is in her class, but yesterday it was so full, I went upstairs & worked out on the elliptical - it was right above where Ally's class was playing. It was fun to see them stretch, run, and do obstacle courses. I feel good knowing she is getting some physical activity in her day!

We are under exercised as a nation. We look instead of play. We ride instead of walk. Our existence deprives us of the minimum of physical activity essential for healthy living. ~John F. Kennedy

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