4/08 ~ 1377 cal/124.4 lbs

Another day without going to the gym - I scheduled dentist appointments for me and Ally @ 10 a.m. this morning before we joined the gym and started this workout routine...then we have to run a biggilion errands so won't be home until probably 1:00. Josh wants to go to the bike park after school so I won't be able to have him watch Ally - I am hoping I can just do a workout video or lift here at the house this afternoon.

I walked around the cul-de-sac two days ago in my old shoes (I only wear my new ones inside) and am now suffering from shin splints...I just can't wear those old shoes and go outside to pound on the pavement. Man they hurt!!!!

My weight went up a few ounces - I am not surprised due to the fact I haven't done any cardio this week. At least I am keeping my calorie intake low, but I have to remember to have more today to throw off my body's thinking - if it thinks I am giving it too little calories, it will start burning muscle for food instead of fat!

Breakfast (357 cal): Cranberry hazelnut cereal ~ 1 cup Kashi Honey Puffs (120 cal/1 fat/25 carb/3 pro), 1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal/0 fat/12 carbs/8 pro), 1 tbsp dried cranberries (24 cal/0 fat/13 carbs/0 pro), & 1 1/2 tbsp hazelnuts (133 cal/13 fat/4 carbs/3 pro).

Lunch (377 cal): Cheesy Turkey Muffin ~ 1 Thomas whole wheat English muffin (120 cal) with 1/4 cup lettuce (2 cal/0 fat/.5 carbs/.1 pro), 2 slices (1 oz) deli turkey (40 cal/.7 fat/.7 carb/7.5 pro), 1 garlic & herb Laughing Cow wedge (35 cal/2 fat/1 carb/2.5 pro), 2 tbsp pecans (100 cal) and 10 Baked Lays chips (80 cal).

Snack (0 cal): I didn't eat lunch until 2:30 so I may have two tortillas tonight for dinner!

Dinner (643 cal): Mexican Burrito ~ 1 whole wheat tortilla (130 calories/2 fat/25 carbs/4 pro), 1 cup venison with taco seasoning (180 cal/2 fat/0 carbs/6 pro), 3 tbsp shredded cheese (63 cal/3.5 fat/0 carbs/2.5 pro), 3 tbsp sour cream (60 cal/0 fat/3 carbs/1 pro), 3 tbsp mashed avocado with guac seasonings (75 cal/2.25 fat/1.25 carbs/.25 pro), 3 tbsp salsa (15 cal/0 fat/1 carb/0 pro), 15 Baked Tostitos (120 cal/1.5 fat/11 carbs/1 pro).

Activity: Ok so I strolled along the dollar store, kohls, and wm for three hours - so according to the tip below, I burned 450 calories! haha

Tip of the day from www.prevention.com:
Rev your routine

When you spend a few hours running errands, it feels like you've worked off some serious weight. But despite all those aisle laps at the mall, hauling around shopping bags, and loading and unloading the car, you burned only about 400 calories—that's about 1/10 of a pound.

Do it better: Short bursts of intense activity burn more calories—and up to 36% more fat, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. Strolling around the mall or a park for an hour works off about 150 calories; pick up the pace 1 minute out of every 5 to burn over one-third more calories (try a similar method if you bike).

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