4/11 ~ 1565 cal/124.8 lbs

We had a great time last night with some friends, but I ate like a crazy person! Haha - I made some awesome chicken kabobs, so those were super low in calories, BUT one of the girls brought homemade mac-n-cheese and I had two helpings! It was sooo good! :) BUT my weight keeps creeping up...I am going to hit it hard this week at the gym - Ally is FINALLY better this morning!!!

Breakfast (365 cal): Toast with PB ~ 1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal), 1 slice Sara Lee Whole Wheat bread (75 cal) with 1 tbsp peanut butter (100 cal) and 1 banana (110 cal).

Lunch (363 cal): Crunchy Tuna Melt ~ Top 1 slice Sara Lee Whole Wheat bread (75 cal) with one 5 oz can Great Value tuna (100 cal) mixed with 1/2 tbsp canola mayo (22 cal), 1 tbsp sunflower seeds (50 cal/8.5 fat/4 carbs/3.5 pro), and 1/4 cup Italian style cheese (60 cal). Place under broiler or in toaster oven to melt. Serve with 7 Baked Lays chips (56 cal). This was pretty good but kind of dry - it needed more mayo and maybe some cilantro to give it some flavor.

Snack (180 cal): 1 Luna Lemon Zest bar (180 cal/5 fat/27 carb/9 pro)

Dinner (657 cal - holy geez!): 6 pieces FRIED fish (342 cal)
14 pieces of fresh perch (350 cal) were dredged in 5 tbsp cornmeal mixed with 1/4 cup flour (220 cal) + 1 egg Dutch Farms and 1/4 cup egg whites (100 cal) + veggie oil (120 cal) = 790/14 pieces = 57 cal per 1 oz piece
two FRIED red potatoes (220) in veggie oil (120) = 340/2 = (170 cal)
leftover green, orange, & red peppers sauteed in olive oil (75)...
AND why after all that salt I crave sugar??
1 tbsp Hershey’s Dark chocolate chips (70 cal)
Whew I am stuffed & not in a good way!! :)

Activity: I did yard work for several hours - I had to spend my day outdoors...it was beautiful!

Tip of the day from www.prevention.com:
Healthy Eating Tip ~ Make Recipe Substitutions You Won't Even Notice Whenever you can, opt for lower fat ingredients in recipes: skim milk instead of 2% or whole, low-fat cheese and mayonnaise instead of regular, light or fat-free salad dressing instead of full-fat dressing, ground turkey instead of ground beef, fat-free cream instead of regular. You can also reduce the sugar and fat a recipe calls for by one-quarter without affecting the taste or texture of your creation.

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