4/04 ~ 2024 cal/126.2 lbs

Well, I had a feeling my weight would go back up today - I haven't made the best choices of eating and drinking lately...we won't be going to RH today to celebrate Easter. Ally is still sick and I don't want to subject the family to whatever she has...

I read today in my Prevention magazine to treat your eating lifestyle on a 80/20 level...stay on track 80% of the time and the other 20% is when you are socializing, travelling or just can't eat healthy choices...well today I hit my 20% for the week! I have no doubt in my mind that I will be another pound heavier tomorrow...man I am frustrated right now with my choices!

Breakfast (344 cal): 2/3 cup Kashi Honey Puffs with 1 cup fat-free milk (160 cal) topped with 1 tbsp dried cranberries (24 cal/0 fat/7 carbs/0 pro) and 1 medium red apple (75 cal/0 fat/17 carb/0 pro) with 1 tbsp almond butter (85 cal/8 fat/4 carbs/4.5 pro).

Lunch (400 cal): I had my leftover corn tortilla from Jose Peppers with one tablespoon of avocado and one tablespoon refried beans (which I didn't eat Friday night). I am estimating it was around 400 calories.

Snack (530): 1 Luna Lemon Zest bar (180 cal/5 fat/27 carb/9 pro) with 1 banana (110 cal/0 fat/29 carbs/1 pro), 2 tbsp almond butter (170 cal/16 fat/8 carbs/9 pro), and 8 Kashi Fire Roasted Vegetable wheat crackers (70 cal) ~ ridiculous snack...I haven't drank any water for two days and am so dehydrated I want to eat everything in my pantry.

Dinner (750 cal): Steve ran to Subway for our Easter dinner...and of course, I ate the entire footlong...god I am such a hog!! 6" Black Forest Ham on 9-grain wheat bread with provolone cheese, light mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, and black olives.

Activity: I think I will be cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry for the next week!

Tip of the day from www.prevention.com:

The Perfect Day of Eating ~ Control weight and boost energy with hour-by-hour tips

6 to 7 PM: Walk or Work Out

If you didn’t walk in the morning, now is a good time to squeeze in some exercise. “When you’re home waiting before dinner is when the munchies happen,” says Alpert. She recommends some kind of regular predinner activity to all her clients, whether it’s just circling your block a couple of times or going to the gym. “When you have something scheduled, you’re less likely to float in and out of the kitchen.” It’s also a smart to try to include walking in your commute. If you drive to work, pick a far-away parking spot, says Alpert. If you take a train or bus, hop off a stop earlier than your usual and hoof it the rest of the way.

Continued tomorrow...

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