4/06 ~ 1082 cal/126.2 lbs

Well I knew the weight was still up, but thankfully it has plateaued. I haven't worked out in three days! I am going downstairs now to lift and may take a brisk walk in the cul-de-sac before it starts raining.

Breakfast (252 cal): 2 tbsp Creamy Wheat BC (80 cal), 1/2 cup fat-free milk (40 cal/0 fat/6 carbs/4 pro), 1 tbsp sunflower seeds (50 cal/4 fat/2 carbs/1 pro), 2 tbsp dried cranberries (48 cal/0 fat/13 carbs/0 pro), & 1/3 cup applesauce (34 cal).

Lunch (168 cal): 5 slices oven roasted deli turkey (80 cal/.5 fat/0 carbs/13 pro) with 1 cheese stick (80 cal/6 fat/0 carbs/6 pro) & 2 oz/5 cherry tomatoes (8 cal/0 fat/1 carbs/0 pro).

Snack (150 cal): 3/4 cup frozen mango (90 cal) blended with 3/4 cup fat-free milk (60 cal).

Dinner (327 cal): 4 oz tuna steak (140 cal/1.5 fat/4 carbs/25 pro) baked in olive oil (20) with 1 cup steamed carrot sticks 7 oz (82 cal) & leftover 1/2 medium Green Giant red potato (55 cal) roasted with seasonings & olive oil (20) & parmesan cheese (10).

I am meeting Julie out and may have a couple beers!
I had one 20 oz Big Brutus Bud Light @ Applebees (185 cal)

Activity: 20 minutes walking/jogging around the cul-de-sac & two 20-minute circuit training exercise routines downstairs.

Tip of the day from www.prevention.com:

The Perfect Day of Eating ~ Control weight and boost energy with hour-by-hour tips

9:30 PM: Dessert

Wait an hour or so after dinner for a before-bed snack. You don’t have to strictly follow the fiber-protein rule, but it should be more than just empty calories. A few options: A tablespoon of chocolate drizzled over 1/2 cup of berries, apple slices with honey, or coconut water or orange juice ice pops.

Calorie count: 100 to 150 calories.

Continued tomorrow...

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