Day 29 ~ 1368 cal/65 fat/153 carbs

Weight: 129.4 Unbelievable it has dropped back down after my crazy weekend!! :) Back at it I am already feeling better!!

Breakfast (480 cal/17 fat/66 carbs/21 pro): 1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal/0 fat/12 carbs/8 pro), 2 slices Sara Lee Wheat bread (90 cal/1 fat/19 carbs/5 pro) with 2 tbsp peanut butter (200 cal/16 fat/6 carb/7 pro) and 1 banana (110 cal/0 fat/29 carbs/1 pro).

Lunch (308 cal/21 fat/23 carbs/18 pro): Chef salad: 2 cups lettuce (16 cal/0 fat/4 carbs/1 pro), 3 carrot sticks (10 cal/0 fat/3 carbs/.5 pro), 2 avocado slivers (70 cal/6 fat/4 carbs/2 pro), 1 slice tomato (5 cal/0 fat/1 carb/0 pro), 1 egg Goldhen Aldis (70 cal/4.5 fat/1 carbs/6 pro), 1 tbsp shredded cheese (21 cal/1.75 fat/0 carbs/1.25 pro) & 1 1/2 tbsp raspberry vinaigrette (90 cal/7.5 fat/6 carbs/0 pro) with 3 Kashi Fire Roasted Vegetable wheat crackers crumbled on top (26 cal/1 fat/4 carbs/1 pro).

Snack (230 cal/13 fat/24 carbs/16 pro): 12 almonds (80 cal/7 fat/3 carbs/3 pro), 1/2 cup yogurt (70 cal/0 fat/21 carbs/7 pro) & 1 cheese stick (80 cal/6 fat/0 carbs/6 pro).

Dinner (350 cal/14 fat/40 carbs/12 pro): Mom & I made pizza tonight ~ 2 homemade medium pizzas (12 slices per pizza = 1046 cal/43 fat/119 carbs/45 pro) ~ (2093 cal/85 fat/237 carbs/90 pro) ~ 2 whole wheat pizza crusts (1200 cal/42 fat/204 carbs/36 pro), 1/2 medium orange pepper (12 cal/0 fat/3 carbs/.5 pro), 1 cup green pepper (30 cal/0 fat/7 carbs/1 pro), 1/4 cup chopped yellow pepper (11 cal/0 fat/3 carbs/.5 pro), 16 olives (100 cal/10 fat/4 carbs/0 pro), 2 cups venison (300 cal/7 fat/0 carbs/24 pro), 1 cup spaghetti sauce (80 cal/2 fat/16 carbs/4 pro), 1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese (360 cal/24 fat/0 carbs/24 pro).

Per slice (12 slices per pizza): (87 cal/3.5 fat/10 carbs/3 pro)
4 slices = (350 cal/14 fat/40 carbs/12 pro)

67 grams of protein

Activity: Step class was packed, so I did 45 minutes on the elliptical, burning 400 calories! woohoooo - then I ran 1/2 a mile, and swam & did water aerobics (on my own, not in a class) for an hour.

Tip of the day from You need to cut calories to lose weight, but it’s important not to overdo it. Going too low delivers a double whammy to your metabolism. When you eat less than you need for basic biological function (about 1,200 calories for most women), your body throws the brakes on your metabolism. It also begins to break down precious, calorie-burning muscle tissue for energy, says Benardot. "Eat just enough so you're not hungry--a 150-calorie snack midmorning and midafternoon between three meals (about 430 calories each) will keep your metabolism humming."

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