Day 41 ~ 1430 cal/68 fat/147 carbs

Weight: I didn't weigh myself this morning due to the fact that I was too afraid of what the scale might tell me...I need to just weigh in on Tuesdays & Fridays...that is what I am going to do this week anyway! ;)

I took today off from exercising - my muscles are so sore!

Breakfast (348 cal/25 fat/17.5 carbs/26 pro): I found an omelet idea on but I revised it slightly:
1/4 cup egg whites (30 cal/0 fat/1 carbs/6 pro)
1 egg Dutch Farms (70 cal/4.5 fat/1 carbs/6 pro)
1/2 cup spinach leaves (4 cal/0 fat/.5 carbs/.35 pro)
1 slice tomato (5 cal/0 fat/1 carb/0 pro)
2 tbsp shredded cheese (42 cal/3.5 fat/0 carbs/2.5 pro)
3/4 slice Sara Lee Whole Wheat bread (57 cal/1 fat/10 carbs/3 pro) ~ Sounds funny, but I had one slice and cut it into four pieces & couldn't finish the last square. I bought some turkey bacon to try out another recipe I found on and fixed all of the bacon this morning - I couldn't stay out of it, although it definitely doesn't come close to being as good as the real deal!
4 slices Market Pantry turkey bacon (140 cal/12 fat/4 carb/8 pro)

Lunch (382 cal/14.5 fat/47 carbs/18.5 pro): I did a slight variation from the Chicken Herb Crackers on page 64 ~ 10 Kashi Fire Roasted Vegetable wheat crackers (87 cal/2.5 fat/14 carbs/2 pro) with 3 rolled slices deli turkey (I am out of chicken) (60 cal/1 fat/1 carb/11 pro) spread with 1 garlic & herb Laughing Cow wedge (35 cal/2 fat/1 carb/2.5 pro) and sprinkled with 2 tbsp walnuts (90 cal/9 fat/2 carbs/2 pro). The meal calls for mango, but I had 1 banana (110 cal/0 fat/29 carbs/1 pro).

Snack (342 cal/16 fat/43.5 carb/14 pro): 1 Luna Lemon Zest bar (180 cal/5 fat/27 carb/9 pro), 1/2 medium red apple (37 cal/0 fat/8.5 carbs/0 pro) with 1 tbsp almond butter (85 cal/8 fat/4 carbs/4.5 pro) & 8 chocolate chips (40 cal/3 fat/4 carbs/.5 pro).

Dinner (363 cal/10 fat/35 carbs/29 pro): I sauteed leftover venison steak (3 oz = 140 cal/2 fat/0 carbs/25 pro) in 1/2 tbsp safflower oil (60 cal/7 fat/0 carbs/0 pro) & had it with 1 cup Birds Eye Oriental Stir Fry veggies with sauce (50 cal/0 fat/9 carbs/2 pro) and 1/2 cup cooked brown rice (113 cal/1 fat/26 carbs/2 pro). I needed some chocolate after that salty meal so I had 8 chocolate chips (40 cal/3 fat/4 carbs/.5 pro).

88 grams of protein

Activity: Shopping with Beth!

Tip of the day: I am rereading my Flat Belly Pocket guide and found some info that is much more helpful to me now that I am 40 days into this lifestyle of eating four 400-calorie meals everyday and incorporating a MUFA with each meal. On page 22 of the guide, it tells you what to eat depending on what MUFA you choose ~ now at first, this made no sense, but sometimes I want a handful of almonds or am craving avocado for my snack. This page gives you a list of foods to eat with each different group of MUFAs.

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