Day 48 ~ 1729 cal/58 fat/182 carbs

Weight: Still at 127.2!!! I am so excited...this means I should see 126 in the near future....I am done complaining about the fluctuations...I know now that I have been losing weight & gaining muscle at the same time which may cause the numbers to decrease slowly, but at least they are going down! woo-hoo!

It is a snowy mess here today so I think Steve and I will work out together downstairs this afternoon.

Breakfast (415 cal/12 fat/58.5 carbs/15.5 pro): 1 cup Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice with 1 cup fat-free milk (190 cal/0 fat/37 carbs/10 pro) with 1 medium red apple (75 cal/0 fat/17 carb/0 pro) & 1 1/2 tbsp peanut butter (150 cal/12 fat/4.5 carbs/5.5 pro). This cereal was almost worse than cream of wheat. I was hoping to find some alternative organic cereal, but it isn't really that good...

Lunch (387 cal/9.5 fat/53 carbs/21 pro): Turkey sandwich ~ 3 slices (2 oz) deli turkey (60 cal/0.5 fat/0 carbs/11 pro), 1/4 cup lettuce (2 cal/0 fat/.5 carbs/.1 pro), 1 slice tomato (5 cal/0 fat/1 carb/0 pro) and 2 tbsp mashed avocado (50 cal/4.5 fat/2.5 carbs/.5 pro) on Sara Lee Whole Wheat bread (150 cal/2 fat/26 carbs/7 pro) and 15 Baked Lays chips (120 cal/2 fat/23 carbs/2 pro).

Snack (460 cal/14 fat/45 carbs/42 pro): I bought some new Luna bars and they are tasty! 1 Luna Blueberry Bliss bar (180 cal/5 fat/27 carbs/8 pro) with 1 scoop Whey Protein with 1 cup fat-free milk (200 cal/2 fat/15 carbs/31 pro) & 12 almonds (80 cal/7 fat/3 carbs/3 pro).

Dinner (467 cal/22 fat/24 carbs/41.5 pro): Chef salad: 2 cups romaine lettuce (16 cal/0 fat/4 carbs/1 pro), 5 carrot sticks (20 cal/0 fat/4 carbs/.5 pro), 4 oz Oven roasted diced chicken breast (147 cal/3 fat/3 carbs/27 pro), 1 slice tomato (5 cal/0 fat/1 carb/0 pro), 1 slice Market Pantry turkey bacon (35 cal/3 fat/1 carb/2 pro), 1/2 egg Goldhen Aldis (35 cal/2 fat/0 carbs/3 pro), 1 tbsp Feta Cheese President (35 cal/0 fat/1 carbs/7 pro), 5 cucumber slices (4 cal/0 fat/0 carbs/0 pro), 2 tbsp raspberry vinaigrette (120 cal/10 fat/8 carbs/0 pro) with 1 tbsp sunflower seeds (50 cal/4 fat/2 carbs/1 pro) on top.

120 grams of protein

Activity: I had a GREAT one-hour workout here at the house ~ I did three 20-minute circuits incorporating all major muscle groups (biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, abs, legs & one-minute cardio intervals).

Tip of the day from Prevention magazine April 2010:
A sure way to derail a diet is to treat weekends like holidays, say researchers. They found most people eat more on Saturdays and Sundays than on weekdays, with some taking in an average of 411 extra calories each day – enough to gain 12 pounds in a year. People consider the weekend a time to unwind and indulge, say researchers. To avoid this weight trap, eat modest portions of your favorite food, and up your activity by walking instead of driving to run errands, suggest cognitive therapist Judith S. Beck, PhD.

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