5/05 ~ 0730 cal/122.2 lbs

I am still feeling too crummy to go to the gym...I feel like I am losing all my muscle! grrrrrr - BUT at least today I am hungry enough to eat something...

Breakfast (140):
1/2 cup Fiber One (60 cal) with 1 cup fat-free milk (80 cal)

Lunch ():

Snack ():
One luna bar = 190

Dinner ():
Turkey sandwich = 400


Tip of the day from www.prevention.com: Foods that rejuvenate skin and boost health to boot!


Why You'll Glow: "Eating a handful of almonds every day boosts levels of vitamin E, one of the most important antioxidants for skin health," says Baumann. You'll get a surge in moisture too--a boon for those prone to dryness.

Health Bonus: Though nuts are high in calories, women who ate them at least twice a week were less likely to gain weight than those who rarely did, in a new study of over 50,000 women.

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