5/02 ~ 1450 cal/no weigh-in

Crazy day - didn't weigh in because we had company and I slept in...then went to RH for the day...

Breakfast(400): banana, pb, multigrain cheerios & milk

Lunch (400): Mexican wrap

Snack (200): smoothie & choc chips

Dinner (450): BIG juicy cheeseburger

Activity: Nothing - laid around all day fending off some kind of weird stomach bug...

Tip of the day from www.prevention.com: Foods that rejuvenate skin and boost health to boot!


Why You'll Glow: Quercetin, an antioxidant in the peel of many varieties, provides hefty protection from the "burning" UVB rays that trigger skin cancer. A few offering the biggest dose: Monroe, Cortland, and Golden Delicious. The next time you plan to spend time in the sun, pick one of them to start your day (of course, you still need to wear sunscreen).

Health Bonus: Eating two or more apples a week for 1 year reduced the risk of dying from heart disease by 15% in one study of 34,000 healthy post-menopausal women. Whatever variety you choose, be sure to eat the peel, the source of nearly all the antioxidants.

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